Management Consulting
Competence in India since 1996
The example is based on an R&D Outsourcing Project.
Client is located in 3 Western-European Countries and in India.
Three-Step Management Consulting for R&D Outsourcing to India
Optimization of Project costs and increase of efficiency and quality of the European-Indian Collaboration.
Each Module is based on:
- Clients input about the desired results of the organisation or input about the current situation.
- Analysis of the actual situation (in Europe as well as in India); development of action items to achieve the results
- Assistance during implementation phase
Module 1: Overview of actual situation in India
- Management sensibilization for Indian Educational Systems, Carrier, Specifics; overview of current trends for professionals in the Indian job market
- Sensibilization for hierarchical issues; importance and meaning of various hierarchical levels
- Scope for decision making and taking responsibility at each level
- Analysis of interfaces and collaboration between the European Organisations and the Indian Organisation
Module 2: Detailled work with the actual situation
- Analysis of actual organisation in India
- Roles & Responsibilities of Individuals, as well as Temps (Sub-Contractors)
- Matching of the Indian Organisation with the European Organisations
- Clear Definition of the Scope & Responsibilities in India and in Europe
- Scope & Responsibilities in India: how seriously is it taken?
- Consequences of Failures
- Accounting issues: cost estimates, cost approvals, cost management, incentives, penalties and their impact on project costs
- Quality Key Data: Definition, Benchmark, Key Indicators, Action items
Module 3: Softskills for Enhanced Quality, Cost Optimization and Increased Efficiency
- Aspects of staff-selection in India, as far as training in Europe is concerned
- Clear assignment of Indian Teams to pre-defined European teams (planning and allocation of resources)
- Composition of the Indian Teams, consequences of attrition (depending on the hierarchical level)
- Requirements of transparency of organisation, processes and costs on both sides
- Establishing a personal relationship of key-personell in Europe and India:
- Sensibilization programms for both sides
- Clearly defined responsibilities
- Teambuilding Excercises
- Personal contacts (direct and remote)
- Ongoing action items achive permanent high levels of Quality, Cost Conciousness and Efficiency